
Showing posts from May, 2021

School From Home: Your Kid Will Embarrass You!

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash School From Home: Your Kid Will Embarrass You! This may be coming late to some, but better late than never 😄. Children are mysterious creatures. I've learned many things working from home and sitting beside my 7 year old doing school from home. You watch them grow, learn, and develop. This is nice and fine until they do something completely off the wall or repeat something inappropriate you said. It is a weird and uncomfortable classic case of "monkey see, monkey do"! You may be tempted to scream at your child about, but don't. Read this first. Why is this happening? Photo by  Anna Shvets  from  Pexels Learning: A child's number one job is to learn! Everything the five senses have to offer, they are taking in, processing, and spitting back out as a chaotic routine of trial and error. Prior to adulthood, they are figuring it all out and testing every single environment, which does not exclude your nerves 😜.  "My Hero"